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5 Awesome Outreach Ideas for your Social Media Campaigns

    5 Awesome Outreach Ideas for your Social Media Posts

    To effectively promote your business on social media, you need a plan.

    With so many different options and tactics available, it can be hard to know where to start with outreach.

    Well, look no further!

    In this post I want to share the following 5 awesome outreaching ideas for your social media marketing efforts:

    1. Make your social media posts interactive

    Make your posts interactive through polls, quizzes, or contests.

    This will give you a chance to connect with those who are participating to better understand what resonates well and get their feedback on future campaigns.

    You can also use these features as a way to encourage more shares of your content, or as a giveaway.

    This will increase the likelihood that you will be able to reach new audiences and convert them into followers of your brand.

    2. Promote other people’s content to gain followers and increase engagement

    One way to build your followers base is by promoting other people’s content on social media.

    This can be done by sharing their posts in a couple of ways:

    Firstly, you could share the post and tag them in it (use caution when tagging others as this may not always go over well).

    Secondly, you could share the post and share your perspective on it.

    This will not only help you increase engagement, but also build credibility as a thought leader in your industry.

    In addition to this, when sharing other people’s content be sure to include links or hashtags that are relevant to the posts so that they can find them too!

    If you are a business in the pet industry, for example, you might include hashtags like #dogsofinstagram or #catlovers.

    This is also an opportunity to drive traffic back to your site by including links in your posts that go directly there from other social media platforms.

    Suggested Reading: How to Grow Your Social Media Presence in 3 Easy Steps

    3. Share links to helpful articles or blog posts on social media, including why you find them interesting or relevant

    Another way to promote your business on social media is by sharing links to articles or blog posts that you find helpful.

    This can include anything from a post about the importance of measuring your marketing ROI, to one with tips for increasing conversion rates.

    The more niche relevant it is, the better!

    When posting these types of links, be sure to include why you find them interesting or relevant, and also provide some commentary.

    This will show that you have done your research on the topic before sharing it with others (showing that you know what is going on in your niche of expertise).

    Including a link back to your site within this type of post can also help increase visitors.

    It provides a way for readers to click through to your site and find more information on topics that interest them, or purchase products you are promoting.

    Doing this will help increase the chance of someone following you as well!

    If they like what they see (or even don’t), there is also an opportunity for conversion with these types of posts.

    This is because they can like, comment, or share your post to help increase visibility for the content you are sharing and build awareness of their brand to drive traffic back to them through links and mentions on social media.

    Social Media Playbook

    4. Ask questions in your social media posts to encourage discussion and interactions

    Social media is the perfect place to ask questions in your posts.

    This will encourage engagement as people are more likely to comment or share a post if they have something specific on their mind that you address in it.

    A couple of examples would be: “What’s your favorite type of food?” Or, “Should we stop using plastic?”

    This is a great way to interact with your followers and create some buzz around your business at the same time!

    It can also be used as an opportunity to get feedback on different ideas, products, or campaigns that you are considering.

    Provide thoughtful responses if someone responds (or even just thank them for their opinion).

    5. Use hashtags correctly – they help engage potential customers

    Hashtags are a great way to increase engagement as well.

    They can be used in different ways, but the most common is when you include them at the end of your post like this:

    “What’s your favorite type of food? #pizza” or “Should we stop using plastic?” #yeswecan

    If there is a hashtag that is relevant to your post, it’s important to make sure you are using the right one.

    Oftentimes people will tag other posts with hashtags when they should be tagging their content (or vice versa).

    Using hashtags correctly can help increase traffic as well by getting more eyes on what you have to say!

    Pro Tip: Use free hashtag generators like HashtagStack to find and compile a list of related hashtags easily.

    It is also a great way to find new posts on the topic you are interested in by clicking through and reading others who used your hashtag.

    This will give you ideas for other things that might interest people with similar interests, or provide inspiration for additional content topics!

    In conclusion, outreaching on social media is about building relationships.

    You don’t want to be pushy or aggressive in your approach – you are more likely to get people’s attention and keep them interested if you use the tips above!

    It will also help set up conversion opportunities a little later on down the line.