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SERP Position Zero: 5 SEO Tricks for Google Top Ranking

    SERP Position Zero: 5 SEO Tricks for Google Top Ranking

    For many companies, achieving the top ranking in Google’s organic search results is a dream come true.

    It’s the ultimate indication of visibility and success.

    However, it can be a serious challenge to get your website ranked on page one for any given keyword phrase due to intense competition in many industries today.

    To help you out with this struggle, I have put together five SEO tricks that will boost your chances at achieving SERP Position Zero (aka. position zero on google):

    What is SERP Position Zero in Google?

    The top ranking on the search engine results page is called SERP Position Zero. It may not always be exactly number one, but it’s close enough to make a difference.

    SERP position zero occurs when Google returns direct answers to user-entered queries without requiring them to click on any links.

    It is a very big deal for many businesses, and it should be taken seriously by any company that wants to get its website noticed in Google organic searches.

    SEO Tricks To Achieve SERP Position Zero

    The most important thing you can do to get a direct answer on Google is to create content that meets the needs of your target audience. That’s it!

    You might be surprised by how many companies don’t put this first when they are creating their SEO strategy, but for Google to return an answer, it must be able to understand what the user is asking.

    However, there are some additional tricks you can use to beat your competition and get a SERP position zero for the keywords that matter most.

    1. Stay Relevant and Fresh

    The most important thing about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is relevance — meaning, you want your web page to be relevant to the topic that you are trying to rank for.

    You want it to be unique, interesting, and useful because without these things Google will not have anything good enough for its users.

    If your content doesn’t meet all three of those criteria, then no amount of SEO tricks can help you achieve the top position in Google search rankings.

    So make sure you keep relevancy at the forefront of every piece of content that you create.

    You can do this by creating content specifically for your target audience and providing answers to questions they might have about whatever topic is relevant to your website’s niche.

    Tools like Answer The Public and SEMrush can help you find some of the most commonly asked questions in your industry.

    2. Publish Listicle and How-To articles

    People love lists and how-to articles.

    They are easy to read, informative, and work well for many different types of websites.

    If you can publish a list or how-to article that is directly related to the keyword phrase you are trying to rank for in Google’s top search results then your chances of achieving SERP Position Zero are increased.

    For example, if your website sells new laptops then you might consider publishing a listicle on the “top five best-selling laptop brands in 2022” or even just some of the most popular technology trends for 2022.

    You could also publish a how-to article with step-by-step instructions to help users fix their broken laptop screens — something that would be very relevant to laptop shoppers.

    SERP Position Zero - SEO Trick To Use Lists and How-To Blogs for Google Top Ranking

    The more targeted and specific your content is, the better chance you have of achieving top rankings on Google for those keywords.

    For inspiration, WikiHow is a pretty good example of listicles and how-to articles that rank well in Google.

    3. Use Google Search Console (aka. Webmaster Tool)

    Google Search Console is a free resource provided by the world’s most popular search engine.

    It allows you to check your website and make sure that it complies with all of Google’s best practices.

    All you have to do is type in your URL (website address) into their search bar to get started.

    There are several different reports and metrics that you can use to see how Google sees your website — which is important because it will tell you exactly what kind of content they want or expect from websites like yours.

    Bing SEO Tools

    It’s not just about creating the perfect blog post, infographic, listicle, or how-to article — it’s about creating the perfect piece of content that Google will approve and rank well in its search engine.

    Google Search Console can give you a lot of insight into what kind of content makes their top-ranking list, which keywords your website is more likely to rank for, and other important information that will help you understand how your website is being ranked on Google.

    And the more information you have, the better your content will be.

    Related Post: 20 SEO Hacks to Improve Your Website Rankings

    4. Use Tables and Graphs to Show the Data

    Google loves data — especially when it’s presented in a visual or table format.

    For example, if you are trying to rank for the keyword “best laptops 2022” then a listicle with ten of the latest and most popular laptops wouldn’t be considered all that useful from Google’s perspective.

    But what if you created a listicle that includes the three best-selling laptop brands in 2022 with some quick stats about each brand?

    SERP Position Zero: SEO Trick To Use Tables and Graphs for Google Top Ranking

    A table or graph showing product names, prices, processor speeds, hard drive space, etc. would be much more useful to someone searching for “best laptops” than just text alone — which is why it’s important to use tables, graphs, and other visual elements in your blog posts.

    Not only will it make them more readable — but Google will be more likely to display them in their top search results too (aka. SERP position zero).

    You will also need quality backlinks to your website to rank well. If you want to learn more, please check out my article on how to build quality backlinks that Google will love.

    5. Embed Videos and Google Stories

    The final tip I have for you today is to make sure that your blog posts include relevant videos and Google stories.

    Google has a section on the first page of their search results that is exclusively reserved for videos, interactive content, and Google stories.

    These are the newest form of SERP (Search Engine Ranking Position) which can be helpful in achieving top ranking on Google’s first page with your blog posts — so it’s important to include these types of media elements when you’re writing new content.

    Including a quick one-minute video overview of your blog post’s topic is an easy way to give people more detailed information about what they can expect from your content — and it will also help you achieve top ranking with Google too!

    SERP Position Zero: SEO Trick To Embed VIdeos for Google Top Ranking

    If you are camera shy like me, you can always find an explainer video on YouTube to get your point across.

    Google stories are another new feature that is similar to videos but it gives Google users “inside access” to what’s happening with a brand or company through short snapshots of information — which makes them perfect for blog posts!

    For more details, you can read my article on how to create Google Web Stories.


    To sum up, there are several different tools and tricks that you can use to help you achieve top ranking in Google.

    SERP position zero is an important tool for modern SEOs, it helps you bypass the search engine results page and provide direct answers to user questions.

    Getting to position zero is one thing, staying there is another.

    Google has a lot of competition and they are always looking to rank the most relevant and useful content at the top, so SEOS need to stay on top of Google algorithm changes and know how to navigate them to achieve high ranking.

    Focus on your featured snippets and schema markups, they will greatly help you get into Google’s position zero.

    I hope you enjoyed this article on SEO and how to get to the top of Google search results.

    If you have any questions, please leave a comment below!