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Your Freelance Content Writer

Publishing content on a regular basis is a great way to build website traffic and rank higher in Google. And yet, there are so many barriers that can prevent small business owners or marketing managers from getting started.

Beyond technical challenges like finding out what CMS platform or blogging service will work best for their needs, they struggle with things like picking a niche topic and knowing how often they should post.

Freelance Content Writer For SEO Optimized Content Writing

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Auckland, New Zealand

Freelance Content Writer For SEO Optimized Blog Articles

Hire a freelance content writer to write your blogs

While this may seem like limiting yourself, in reality, it allows you to focus on what you’re best at and leaves the blogging up to an expert. You can have a full-fledged blog that’s ready to go on your website in less than 48 hours!

This is perfect if you’re looking for a fast way to start building an audience and don’t have the time or the money to get your own blog up and running.

When you sign up for the article writing service, you can get a high quality, 100% original, SEO optimized article for only $.08 per word. (up to 2 revisions included)

No need for extensive SEO knowledge

If you’re new to content writing, it can be challenging to decide what keywords to use and how to include them in your content. By outsourcing it to an experienced freelance content writer, you can focus on what your business does best (make products or provide services) instead of spending time trying to “game” the search engines.

Successful content writing is about more than just pressing publish and hoping for the best. It requires a healthy dose of SEO and backlinks to really get your blog noticed. You can publish as much content as you want, but if no one sees it, you’re not going to see anywhere near the results you were hoping for.

I’m confident that you will be pleased with the blogging content I produce for you, but I also want to reassure you of my commitment. To do so, I will send an article to you before you make any payment. You have no obligation to pay me if you don’t like (and don’t publish) that piece of content.

I write content that converts

Content is everywhere, but oftentimes it’s the most undervalued and neglected aspect of a digital marketing campaign – or worse yet, it’s not even considered. But with so much competition out there, content can be the difference between someone sticking around on your site to make a purchase or leaving in frustration.

The fact is that most of us are inundated with content on our daily commutes, at work, and even while watching television. To capture the attention of your audience, you need to create something truly unique. The only way to do this is by taking a step back and visualizing how a consumer would use your product or service in their everyday life.

If this sounds like the definition of a content strategy, that’s because it is.

While there are several approaches to developing a strong content marketing plan, I believe in focusing on two main areas: user experience and search engine optimization (SEO). Both have the ability to drive quality engagement that attracts qualified traffic from search engines to your website and ultimately increases sales.

User Experience, or UX, is a design approach that goes beyond keeping users on-page by designing content in the most logical and natural manner. In other words, it’s about solving the problems of the customer – regardless of whether those problems are related to your brand.

SEO involves the development of search engine-friendly content that is both optimized to rank well in search engines and engaging to users. In order for an SEO to succeed, your content must be written as if you yourself are the consumer making a purchasing decision.

Freelance Content Writer For SEO Optimized Blog Articles Content Writing

SEO is not about tricking Google. It’s about providing the best content for Google’s users.

Very FAQ

I have gathered some frequently asked questions and answered them below.

Q: What type of content do you write?

I have experience writing a variety of content, including blog posts, webpage copies, press releases, and product descriptions for B2C and B2B clients.

Q: What do you charge for content writing?

My fee is $.08 per word for a single blog post or my monthly retainer package includes 5 blogs at 600+ words each, 100% original content, and optimized for SEO. The monthly package is $220 without a contract.

Q: How long should my blog posts be?

Blog posts should be at least 500 words to be taken seriously by Google. Longer blog posts, 500 or more words in length, are preferred.

Q: Do you provide a list of references and sources?

Yes, I provide links to all sources in the post. Upon request, I can add them at the bottom of the blog post for your reference.

Q: Can you provide pictures to use with the blog posts?

Yes, I can provide complimentary royalty-free stock photos.

Q: How do I pay you? Can I contact you through email or WhatsApp?

For faster processing, I’ll gladly take PayPal or direct bank deposits to my account. Yes, you can contact me by email at [email protected] or WhatsApp me at +64272447382. I live in a beautiful city called Auckland (New Zealand).

Let’s discuss your content requirement

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I promise not to spam 😀

Are you still thinking about whether you really need a freelance content writer?

If you are not convinced and want to write your own blog posts, here are some steps that will help.

Step 1 – Understand Your Target Audience

First and foremost, it’s crucial for you to understand your target audience. Who are they? What can they afford to spend? How old are they? What do they like and dislike? The answers to these questions will help you determine how to approach them with your content.

Step 2 – Create a Content Writing Plan that Works for Your Brand

Now that you have a better understanding of your target audience, it’s time to develop a content writing plan. When drafting this plan, think about how your consumer is going to interact with the product or service you have to offer and how you can create value for them in doing so. For example: If I were selling cell phone cases, my content would consist of how-to’s, reviews, and recommendations.

Step 3 – Create Great Content that Sells

The content you create needs to be top-notch if you want it to convert. Users are tired of seeing low-quality sales pitches disguised as valuable information so make sure yours is worth the time it takes for them to read it.

Step 4 – Measure and Monitor Your Performance

This is the final step in developing a successful content writing plan for your business. By monitoring the activity and interaction on your site, you’ll be able to identify which types of content are working best so that you can continue to write that type of quality content in order to build it into a larger campaign.

Know someone who might be looking for a freelance content writer? I would really appreciate it if you can share the link to this webpage with them.