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10 Free AI Tools for SEO Audit and Optimization

    Free AI Tools for SEO

    As a website owner or blogger, one of your main goals is to ensure your website ranks well on search engines. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play.

    SEO involves optimizing your website to increase its visibility on search engines and attract more traffic. One way to achieve this is by using AI tools for SEO optimization, which can help you analyze your website and generate insights that can be used to improve your website’s SERP.

    In this blog post, we will be looking at the top 10 free AI tools for SEO that can help you improve your website’s ranking.

    We will explore each tool in-depth, describing what they do and listing its features and benefits. By the end of this post, you should have a better understanding of the different AI tools available and how they can help you optimize your website for better search engine rankings

    So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of free AI SEO tools.

    Free AI Tools for SEO Keyword Research

    Keyword research is a crucial part of any SEO strategy, and luckily, there are several free AI tools available to help you find the right keywords to target. Here are two of the best: is an AI tool for SEO that provides a wide range of keyword suggestions based on your seed keyword, which can help you identify new keywords to target that you may not have thought of before.

    Additionally, provides data on search volume, competition, and cost-per-click for each keyword, making it easy to evaluate the potential value of each one.

    Benefits of using for SEO keyword research include:

    • Wide range of keyword suggestions
    • Data on search volume, competition, and cost-per-click for each keyword
    • Easy-to-use interface


    UberSuggest is a comprehensive AI tool for SEO keyword research that provides a range of data on each keyword, including search volume, competition, and cost-per-click.

    One of the standout features of this tool is its ability to provide related keyword ideas, which can help you identify long-tail keywords to target that may have less competition than more generic terms.

    Benefits of using UberSuggest for SEO keyword research include:

    • Comprehensive data on each keyword
    • Ability to provide related keyword ideas
    • Easy-to-use interface

    Free AI Tools for SEO Analysis

    When it comes to improving your website’s search engine ranking, analyzing your website is an essential step. This is where SEO analysis tools come in handy, providing valuable insights and data to optimize your website.

    In this section, we will explore the top free AI SEO analysis tools, including Google Search Console, Moz Keyword Explorer, SEMrush Keyword Research, Ahrefs Site Explorer, and CanIRank.

    By using these powerful SEO tools, you can better understand your website’s performance, uncover high-search column and low-competition keyword opportunities, and fine-tune your SEO strategies.

    Google Search Console

    Google Search Console is a free SEO tool offered by Google that helps website owners monitor, maintain, and improve their website’s presence in Google search results.

    It provides insights into how Google crawls and indexes your website, identifies technical issues and errors, and shows how your website appears in search results.

    Benefits of using Google Search Console for SEO analysis:

    • Identify technical issues on your website that may be impacting your search engine ranking
    • Get insights into which keywords are driving traffic to your website
    • Monitor your website’s indexing status and receive alerts for any indexing problems
    • Check your website’s mobile-friendliness and page speed
    • Discover which websites are linking to your site
    30 Best AI Marketing Tools
    Read: 30 Best AI Marketing Tools: Features, Pricing, and Reviews

    Moz Keyword Explorer

    Moz Keyword Explorer is a free AI tool for SEO that helps you find and prioritize the best keywords to target for your website’s content.

    It provides accurate search volume data and competitive analysis, making it an essential SEO tool for keyword research.

    Benefits of using Moz Keyword Explorer for your website’s SEO analysis:

    • Discover new keyword opportunities and identify search terms that your website is currently ranking for
    • Get accurate search volume data and prioritize high-volume, low-competition keywords
    • Analyze your website’s competition and identify which keywords they are targeting
    • Track your website’s keyword ranking over time
    • Get keyword recommendations for on-page optimization

    SEMrush Keyword Research

    SEMrush Keyword Research is a comprehensive AI tool for SEO that provides in-depth insights into keyword data and helps you find profitable keywords to target.

    It provides competitive analysis and keyword research for over 130 countries and can be used to analyze both your own and your competitor’s websites.

    Benefits of using SEMrush Keyword Research for SEO analysis:

    • Find profitable keywords and identify gaps in your keyword strategy
    • Analyze your competitor’s websites and identify which keywords they are targeting
    • Get keyword recommendations for on-page optimization
    • Monitor your website’s keyword ranking and track changes over time
    • Access in-depth keyword data for over 130 countries
    SEMRush Keyword Explorer AI Tool for SEO
    SEMRush Keyword Research Tool for SEO

    Ahrefs Site Explorer

    Ahrefs Site Explorer is a powerful free SEO audit tool that provides in-depth insights into your website’s backlink profile, organic search traffic, and keyword rankings. It helps you identify areas for improvement and develop a successful SEO strategy.

    Benefits of using Ahrefs Site Explorer for website analysis:

    • Get detailed insights into your website’s backlink profile, including new and lost backlinks
    • Analyze your website’s organic search traffic and identify areas for improvement
    • Track your website’s keyword ranking and monitor changes over time
    • Identify your website’s top-performing content and improve your content strategy
    • Analyze your competitor’s websites and identify their backlink profile and top-performing content


    CanIRank is a free AI tool for SEO that provides actionable recommendations to help you improve your website’s search engine ranking.

    It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your website and provide customized recommendations for on-page optimization, content creation, and link building.

    Benefits of using CanIRank for SEO analysis:

    • Get customized recommendations to improve your website’s search engine ranking
    • Identify which pages on your website have the most potential for improvement
    • Receive actionable recommendations for on-page optimization, content creation, and link building
    • Get insights into which keywords to target and which ones to avoid
    • Analyze your competitor’s websites and identify areas where you can gain a competitive advantage.

    Related Post: ChatGPT and Bing Integration: SEO in an AI-Driven World

    Free AI Tools for SEO Optimization

    In addition to analyzing keywords and performance, SEO optimization is a critical factor in achieving a high search engine ranking.

    Fortunately, there are several free AI tools available to help you evaluate and optimize your website’s performance.

    In this section, we’ll explore some of the top AI tools for SEO optimization.

    Google PageSpeed Insights

    Google PageSpeed Insights is a free SEO tool developed by Google that analyzes the speed and performance of websites. It provides a comprehensive report on the loading speed of a website on both mobile and desktop platforms.

    This SEO tool helps to identify areas where improvements can be made to optimize the website’s speed, which ultimately helps to enhance the user experience.

    Benefits of using Google PageSpeed Insights for website SEO optimization include:

    • Detailed analysis of website speed and performance on both mobile and desktop platforms
    • Suggestions for improvements to website speed and performance
    • Easy-to-understand report on website performance
    Google Pagespeed Insights Dashboard Preview Screenshot
    PageSpeed Insights by Google


    RankMath is a free WordPress plugin that helps to optimize website content for search engines. It offers a wide range of features that help website owners to improve their website’s visibility on search engines. The plugin allows users to add meta tags, optimize content, and analyze keyword usage, and provides
    powerful SEO suggestions by Content AI (one of the modules)

    Benefits of using RankMath for SEO include:

    • Ability to optimize website content for search engines
    • Analyze keyword usage and suggest improvements
    • Add meta tags and other essential elements to improve visibility on search engines

    Yoast SEO

    Yoast SEO is another popular free SEO plugin that helps website owners to optimize their websites for search engines.

    It provides a wide range of tools to improve website visibility, including keyword optimization, content analysis, and meta-tag optimization.

    Benefits of using Yoast SEO for website optimization include:

    • Comprehensive analysis of website content for SEO optimization
    • Suggestions for improving keyword usage and meta tags
    • Easy-to-use interface for improving website performance

    Suggested Reading: Yoast vs Rank Math vs All in One SEO: Best WordPress Plugin?

    Final thoughts

    In conclusion, using AI tools can greatly improve your website’s ranking and overall SEO performance. In this post, we’ve covered the top free AI tools for SEO.

    Each tool provides a unique set of features and benefits that can help you optimize your website for better performance and increased traffic.

    By using these free SEO tools for keyword research, website analysis, and website performance analysis, you can take your website to the next level and improve your search engine ranking.

    So, whether you’re just starting or looking to optimize an existing website, these free AI-based SEO tools are a great place to start.

    Give them a try and see how they can help you unlock your website’s full SEO potential.

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