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5 Creative B2B Online Marketing Campaign Ideas

    Creative B2B Online Marketing Campaign Ideas

    Some of the most effective B2B online marketing campaigns are those that involve some sort of creative idea.

    The creativity can range from a well-written blog post to an online video, or even something as simple as sending out handwritten thank-you notes after an event.

    Here are five ideas to take your own B2B marketing campaign up a notch:

    1. Give away a free product or service

    The most common way to give something away is during an event, but this isn’t the only option.

    You can also offer discounts on your B2B products or services from time to time if you’re running low on stock.

    Another idea would be to run a campaign that offers people access to special promotions and deals for being subscribers of your email marketing or blog.

    This is a great way to get people interested in your product and give them value before they’ve even purchased anything from you, which will lead to higher conversion rates.

    Suggested Reading: 5 Marketing Campaign Ideas For Black Friday and Cyber Monday

    Giving away something for free can also help your B2B business establish itself as an authority figure within your industry.

    For example, if you’re an accounting firm, you could run a campaign that offers free consultations for small business owners and others who need help.

    This will show people how knowledgeable your company is, which in turn can lead to more referrals or even other clients coming through the door.

    You’ll also be able to expand on this concept by incorporating blog posts about best practices or tips of advice for your industry and then include links to the free consultation as a way of introducing new people.

    It’s important not only to give but also to provide valuable content in return for something like this so that you’ll be seen as someone who contributes good information to their blog.

    The more time spent providing value from your knowledge, the less time you’ll need to spend on other areas like advertising and marketing.

    This will make your content more engaging and valuable for readers, which can help increase traffic as well as the long-term success of your business.

    B2B companies that utilized free trials saw an average of 66% conversions among users.

    High Alpha

    2. Write a series of blog posts

    Writing more than one post about the same topic helps to develop your expertise and show readers that you have something valuable to share.

    It also increases the chances that they’ll read all of them since it’s not just another boring article in their face when they open up their email or log into Facebook.

    A series of posts can be published in a blog or an article format, and if done right it will give readers more to learn from without overwhelming them with too much information.

    This is especially good for providing tips on marketing and other subjects that aren’t always easy to digest immediately.

    For example, you could start by writing about how to grow your email list, then about how to make it easier for people to share on social media, and finally, conclude with a post that shows you what to do once, someone has subscribed.

    This is not only helpful content but also something that connects readers rather than just turning them into one-time visitors who might buy from you later.

    Companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog.

    Demand Metric

    3. Host webinars related to your niche

    Webinars are a great way to answer questions that B2B prospects might have and give them information in a public setting.

    If your niche lends itself well to this, such as marketing or accounting, then hosting webinars can be an easy and low-cost method of attracting new followers while building trust with existing customers too.

    It’s also easier to sell products to someone who already knows and trusts you, so if this is something that interests you then it’s a good way to get started.

    If your webinar platform has the ability for an audience Q&A and polls, then this could be a great way to turn your webinar into more of an interactive session where everyone can get involved.

    For example, if you’re talking about how to create a successful marketing automation plan, you could ask your audience members what their biggest challenges are and then give them tips for overcoming these obstacles.

    This will help people feel more connected with the discussion while also giving those in attendance valuable advice that they might not have known about before.

    Recording the webinars is a good way to ensure that you’re providing the most valuable content possible since it gives viewers who can’t attend another chance to see what’s going on.

    53% of marketers say webinars are the top-of-the-funnel format that generates the most high-quality leads.


    4. Produce video content or demos

    Video content is a great way to show your expertise and make it easier for viewers to understand what your B2B business does.

    This can be done in many ways, such as recording videos of presentations or tutorials on YouTube or hosting regular video chats with followers.

    If you can create animated graphics then this could also help people quickly understand your content.

    For example, if you’re talking about how to do advertising for small businesses then you could create a marketing plan that anyone can follow with animation or a diagram of each step.

    The use of video is also becoming more and more popular these days, so it’s worth thinking about what the benefits are in terms of increasing your followers and traffic.

    68% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than Google Ads.


    5. Provide downloadable guides and ebooks

    Many B2B businesses are hesitant about investing too much time into something that they don’t know a lot about.

    Offering downloadable ebooks or guides is a great way to help potential followers understand your content and get started with it without having to go through the whole process themselves.

    This can be done in many ways, such as offering an e-book about how to create a free e-course that people can sign up for.

    There are plenty of ways to do this, so it’s worth considering what would work best with your niche and type of content as well.

    This is a good way to give potential followers an idea of what they can expect from you without having them sign up for anything.

    It’s also worth thinking about if your ebook or guide could be used as a lead generation tool, such as offering free content in exchange for contact information that will allow you to send out updates about your latest content.

    Suggested Reading: How to Create a Lead Magnet: Ideas, Tools, and Examples


    I hope this article has given you some new ideas to plan your next B2B digital marketing campaign.

    If you have any questions about this post, then please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to answer them.