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An Open Letter To Google: Please Reconsider How You Prioritize Websites Indexing

    An Open Letter To Google Please Reconsider How You Prioritize Websites Indexing

    Hey Google,

    I’ve been reading a lot of articles talking about how Google is becoming too powerful. I get it – you’re all over the place and there’s really nowhere to hide from your reach; but what gets me most is this: why are high PR websites getting indexed so much faster than mine?

    Why do I have to wait days and sometimes weeks for my article on the latest news to get indexed?

    I understand that you need some time after a website or blog launch, but I’ve been sitting here waiting at least five years now.

    If Google is really all about the user experience then why don’t we get treated like one?

    All other sites seem to be enjoying your indexing speed so I don’t understand why we have to be treated any differently.

    I’m tired of competing with websites that are already ranking just because they had a high PR page indexed years ago while mine is still waiting in line.

    I’ve been patient but it’s time for an open letter from the people demanding some changes around here!

    A recent example that triggered me to write this open letter is when I wrote an article about a glitch in the Google search console that resulted in partial data loss on impressions and clicks.

    Before writing the article, I Googled to see if the news has already been covered. I only found 2 news articles. I quickly drafted mine and published it, hoping that I will be among the first few to cover this story.

    But it took 5 days for the article to get indexed and show up in search results. When it finally did, there were already more than 140 news articles about this glitch, and mine was ranked much lower than those with higher PR pages indexed before mine!

    It’s time for Google to level the playing field or reconsider how it prioritizes websites indexing.

    I request all bloggers and publishers who are reading this and feel that the delay in indexing is holding them back to please comment below to sign this open letter to Google demanding a similar indexing speed that high PR websites enjoy.


    Ali Liaquat